pre/post sleep rituals for a clear mind
Do you guys have any personal pre/post sleep rituals to end/start your day with a clear mind and get the most out of your day/night? I usually write things I want to (or have to but I prefer 'want') down in a littlenotebook with a page per day which feels pretty meditative because it helps me get things clear for myself and clears my mind before I go to sleep. In the morning I read through it for an overview of my day and add anything if it comes up. Do you guys have any suggestions for morning/evening rituals? I'd be happy to discuss Smile

just vaping

[+] 1 user Likes BeanBandit's post
since i have tinnitus in a high grade, i can not sleep with out background noice or the sound i hear from my tiniitus gives me head aches so i always put a full music album or a very longo video on the tv and go to sleep.

[+] 1 user Likes hey hey people's post
I mentioned this on another thread but I use the Headspace app every day. At first I did it to help me sleep but I actually found it too refreshing in some ways, so now I do first thing in the morning to help literally clear my head.

[+] 1 user Likes Weasel1boy's post
O wow sounds good! I'd heard about it before but always thought it was just for a select group of people who was into that stuff, seems to be getting some traction now though, might give it a try thanks!

Some people don't like ASMR videos, but something about the repetitive scratching and tapping of inanimate objects relaxes me.