sticking to WZ or moving to BF?
i saw BF will bring a new BR game late this year.....are u sticking to WZ?

[+] 1 user Likes dark.genezi's post
God no I can’t stand warzone anymore that game just pisses me off, but idk how the bf br will be since firestorm kinda sucked and died off quickly. I’ll probably just stick with apex for a br game

[+] 1 user Likes Lemon_bred's post
well...i have hope, i loved bf3 so i want to gime them a chance on this one....besides, its gonna be free so i loose nothing trying it

True can’t complain too much when the game you’re playing is free of charge

plus, well i dont know if u play on xbox but, know u dont need to buy Gold to play them onlyne

BF day 1 for me.

[+] 1 user Likes bamabrute85's post
im thinking the same

[+] 1 user Likes dark.genezi's post
I'm not committing to anything yet. I'll wait to see what the game looks like when it launches, see how stable it is, or if it's super buggy and unbalanced etc.

dont know, dont care, im sticking with apex