vigilante activity in the modern city
I think this is impossible.
But in DC or Marvel it is possible. Aside from being shot and killed, what makes vigilantes possible?

for example limited cctv

Being a millionaire would help because of virtually unlimited resources to protect yourself with

Vigilantiism is not acceptable in this day and age because the people (stupidly) believe that the police will do their jobs and fix crime for them, which is why they put up with rising crime rates. NYC is perfect example of a people willing to put up with crime as long as the police keep, "doing their job". Vigilantiism won't become acceptable until the people finally get so angry at the system that they no longer care about the enforcement arm of the government (and, by extension, the government itself), and finally turn to vigilantiism, to re-order society in the form they all desire. For some places, they will become chaotic hell holes. In other places, they'll actually become very peaceful places, with a very small government to assist in keeping the peace.

Just ride your bike and be happy.

don't be a vigilante, it's gonna make you look like a bit of a bellend. also would be prosecuted in a court. join the police force if you would like to make a difference