why are there so many cryptocurrency scams
On ig and facebook I get about 3 messages a day from people peddling a cryptocurrency scam. Are they really that profitable?

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def stay away not worth it

I think because crypto currency became really popular and is completely untracable (impossible to identify scammers). For that reason it is used a lot for illegal transactions (eg. guns, drugs, even assassinations and some really weird stuff).

It's a new trend that most people don't really understand well, can see why people can get duped because of their greed

Is dead money

It's definitely not profitable.

They're as you said, scams. They're popular because most people don't understand cryptocurrency. Times that with the people who want a "get rich quick" scheme and you get the abundance of these scams.

It's probably easy to do and irreversible, with no real safeguards. Like people said, those who are looking to get rich quick are more likely to fall for these scams. Crosses over with people who are interested in crypto

Easy trap for the gullible to invest would be my guess.

>implying cryptos aren't the future of international commerce. #yachtycoingang