why is avatar so popular?
Whats all this hype recently about Avatar? I thought the movie was pretty meh and the cgi is awful.

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Thought you were going to talk about atla which is the goat of shows imo. Avatar the movie, the 3d tech was revolutionary in cinema I suppose

The bald or the blue one?

Bald one > blue ones

I find some indie movies better than avatar tbh

I think it is just so popular, because the 3D Effects were new back then... The movie itselfe is more... meeeeeh...

Avatar: The Last Airbender > Blue balled havin ass Avatar

The movie is the most milquetoast B.S. It's made to be perfectly palatable to the lowest common denominator. It's not bad at all, but that's all you can say for it. Visually it's incredibly, but we're so inundated with CGI at this point, a new one definitely won't have the same effect.

Unless they finally release SMELL-O-VISION

Its fun to watch and it was in the gooddays Arrow

the CGI was definitely awful. guess the tech was revolutionary during that time or ppl liked the story?

It was so hyped because of the cinematic experience. Otherwise the plot was trash IMO!

The CGI was superb at the time it was released

i mean it's not terrible and for the time it was pretty dope

tbh i have the same question, its a great movie and all.

does not hold up over time

its a generic movie that hits all the basic themes

It's a very high budget movie by an acclaimed director, so it could be trash and itll still get attention

imo its all visuals for sure. Movie was just meh.