work from home
does anybody else work from home now?
I find it really hard to concentrate on work. 
Any one else have this problem and know how to fix it?

[+] 1 user Likes brocolirob's post
call and chat with coworker is a good way to work together

Close facebook. Problem solved.

[+] 1 user Likes garty1's post
close this website!

Kinda like the sudden switch to online classes, just gotta close any non-essential programs to focus. This also includes this window.

Putting your phone on silent and keeping it in a place that can't be reached too easily

Create a work space separate from your relaxing area

Treat it like you're actually going to work, don't just sit around in your pajamas

Try to keep your normal work routine: Don't take breaks you wouldn't take otherwise

work-fap-work, yeah it's not as productive, but i don't really care XD

yup, def hard to stay productive at home with all the different distractions and no one there to judge you if your not working 100% of the time...but it just seems like this is something everyone will have to learn to deal with since it will probably go on for a while (the pandemic isn't suddenly gonna end)

I know, it's so hard to concentrate from home

I also work from home and I've got the same problem. I think the most important thing is, that you gaven't got to much things around you which could distryct you from working. This works quite good for me.