Eating before or after sex
I was wondering what others thought, do you usually eat before or after having sex? I would think doing it before might make you gross and tired, but I guess it depends on what you eat. Carbo loading? Let me know!

I eat after sex.

I ate during sex once.. i dated a woman who was a feeder and got off watching me in the mirror eating noodles from a big bowl that rested on her arse as i fucked her from behind. it was an experience

wouldnt do it again, almost puked when i came

[+] 1 user Likes FinalFantasyRulez's post
It depends if you're in a relationship or it casual sex.
In the first case, I usually have sex before eating or several hours after it.
In the second case, usually it is after eating.
To be honest before reading your question, I didn't thought too much about it ahahh

definitely eat after

After. Food comas are a thing, and so is bad breath.

[+] 1 user Likes olichan12's post
Smoke a big joint right after then chow down on some yum yums

dont care doesnnt matter to me

Doesn't matter with me but if I had to pick it would be after. I usually drink after

Eat after, you could get tired or sick before having sex and not have sex because of it but you wont care if that happens to you after you had sex.

I think better is eating after

I wish I could tell you but I get no sex

Quote: Smoke a big joint right after then chow down on some yum yums
No no no, you want to down spaghetti with a shit ton of garlic bread. Maximum effect during sex, and no less than maximum.

Quote: I wish I could tell you but I get no sex
Welcome to the board. Most of us are the same as you.

As long as I'm not hungry, food is better after sex.

I get sleepy after eating, so better to eat afterwards

light snacking then a full course, this goes into both contexts