1050 I need an upgrade.
So currently I have a 1050 and Im looking to upgrade and I need suggestions on what to get next. Something reasonably priced.

I think if you can find a reasonably priced 30 series card it would be quite an upgrade.

Hope this helps.  Blush

if u can just buy last gen (for rasterization) - 5700 or xt and 2060S for nvidia. unless u go last gen it aint gonna be cheap during this crazy time.

if u can wait for 3060 (not out yet) or ADM eq - 6700? (6700 not out yet) or something.

best not to be desperate - maybe u can find 1080 for cheap - even a 1080 is an upgrade over 1050...

I would go with a 2060 to 2080 because scalpers are charging stupid prices for any 3000 series rtx cards. Depends on what you are trying to do though really.

I 100% recommend the Gtx 3090, Great performance.
Hope this helps! Smile

The 3090 might be overkill

stusam if you have the budget, definitely get a 3000 series card. You will most likely need a new cpu and mobo and ram and etc

Basically look at what you need the computer for, what games you want to play and go backwards from there Big Grin

RTX3060 is a great option