How well does the 1050ti compare to current graphics cards, and how long till its unusable

Really comes down to your own needs and preferences. If you just need to get an image it'll essentially be overkill, if you need to run latest games with high resolution and framerate then you're few generations behind already.

haha i have a 1050ti, i've been rocking it for a looooong time. The only thing i've tried to play on it that didn't work well is fortnite, but i never did try and optimize the settings. Diablo IV played great, so didn't Beam.NG and Microsoft Flight Simulator. I think i even played Forza 5 on it without any issues. Great little 1080p graphics card, 4k might be pushing it.

Fortnite should run great on performance mode..
Just a chill guy helping out, please leave me a like or add me rep.