24", 144hz VA Monitor Recommendations
Hope monitor talk fits under graphics. I recently had a line of pixels on my relatively cheap Viotek crap out so I need to find a replacement. Figured VA was a good compromise between the image quality of IPS and the repsonsiveness of TN. I've seen stuff by Samsung (I think they make most VA panels) and HP Envy off the top of my head that fit this bill. Anyone have personal experience with monitors like these?

Would also be open to a really killer deal on an ultrawide 144hz monitor to replace both my current monitors.

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Don't forget about the LG line, I remember they had a killer 4k 24' monitor with great colors available.

24" AOC C24G1, or what resolution are you looking for? I mean some are 1440p and 144Hz even at 24" - Nvidia or AMD GPU? I've been having trouble myself because there's so many boxes you need
to tick to find a good monitor right now- Always have to consider your budget too.

stap 1:

ga naar de supermarkt:

stap 2:
krijg een platte getomatensoepte deeg cirkel van de grote getiete dame bij de ingang

stap 3:
eet deze ronde vorm tussen de 10 en 16 happen op

stap 4:
144Hz is een monitor van een grote fabrikant zoals ACER of BENQ, DELL, maar ja 24 inch is een van de grootste maten die er is

stap 5:
dit nummer spreek je uit als vijf. ook wel go in het aziatische spermaboongevormde land van een kromme rode gepeperde groenten/vrucht.

They have ISP monitors with good colors and refresh rates nowadays especially from LG. Like playing on a TN but much better image quality.