2D button mashing game development suggestions
Hey everybody, I'm looking for some suggestions from the more experienced here. I currently have a simple already compiled (no source code or project files) 2D button mashing "2 player race game" made in Flash (ActionScript) that I have to replicate and enhance (visuals, animations, mostly replace and include new assets). But I have no experience working in Flash, is it really recommended to learn it in order to do this?
Some friends suggested me to ditch Flash altogether, as it is a fairly low optimized old system, and migrate everything to a modern and more active platform like Unity, what do you think? As I have to learn everything from scratch anyway it doesn't really affect me, but which one would be easier and more convenient? Or is there any other alternatives?

Definitely don't use flash, its outdated and doesn't run anywhere anymore. Since you have to start over, start over in a modern platform like Unity, that's a good plan.

It really depends on the scale of the project you're going for. Unity, GameMaker, and Godot are all valid options for a 2D game. Unity and GameMaker are both good options, I think GameMaker would be a little more beginner friendly of the two, but both require licensing and can't be easily distributed without paying money. Godot is completely free and Godot games can run on anything, however it's open sourced so it can be a little less smooth to get into than the others. All of these have a steep learning curve if you're starting from zero, but there are a lot of good tutorials and resources out for them.

If you're looking to learn programming and make some games for yourself and friends along the way, then I'd recommend "Processing". It's the easiest to learn quickly, because it was designed to teach people how to code. It's not necessarily a "game engine", more of a set of easy graphics and Input/Output tools, but you can make games with it.