4 posts not approved by moderator, same format as my others, I don't get why!
Kind of frustrating after the time spent writing out these posts Angry I've tried to post these 2 girls several times:

@xtaylorjayx - Taylor Jay
@seebrittanya - Brittanya Razavi

Here's the format I use:

@username aka Full Name – OnlyFans

[size=x-large]@username on OnlyFans[/size]
[i]Name teasing, masturbating, sucking and fucking.[/i]




4 posts not approved by moderator, same format as my others, I don't get why!.

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My MEGAs keep getting taken down so I'm using HTTPS:// / as my host, which works rather well.

Please help...

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4 posts not approved by moderator, same format as my others, I don't get why!.

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[+] 1 user Likes hnpa69's post
Oh, I think I know why now... I've recently switched using HTTPS:// for my links so that if my link goes dead I can update it. I take it that's a no go since I could just change it to something else like spam/ads after my post gets approved... crap!

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RE: 4 posts not approved by moderator, same format as my others, I don't get why!.

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[+] 1 user Likes hnpa69's post
Exactly! I went back and checked and this is why it was removed.

If you just post the direct links, they will be approved.
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[Image: bde77860ca7faa1f89ec9c4c3771efcb.gif]

[+] 1 user Likes Lucifer NightStar's post
I would recommend mabye using links as using something else might be blocked