A Rock and a Hard Place
Now before i serenade you all with my little sob story I wanna make something perfectly clear: I am well aware that billions of people have lives way worse than i could ever fathom.

With that out of the way, lets talk about my little rough spot.

We’ve all been there, you’ve just met “The One”. The one who you are certain you will marry, aka every person you’ve ever dated. The relationship and connection started off pretty strong and seemed to only get stronger. Few fights here and there but nothing world ending, mostly petty shit.

Then it starts to get worse, the fights more frequent and more personal. Not simple stuff or valid issues, but attacks on character and overall degradation. The person you loved with all your heart seems no different than some shitty sandbox bully. The person who you know loves you more than anyone or anything in the world, yet their actions leave you wondering. Its a fucking awful feeling when you confront them and they realize that it hurts you, even worse when they defend it with a reasonable and logical explanation. You find yourself between respecting yourself with boundaries or letting yourself get walked over. Its a no-win scenario.

So to anyone entering a relationship who reads this, yes actions speak louder than words but use your fucking words properly too. You never really know how what you say affects someone mentally. If someone means a lot to you then you better fucking make sure they never doubt it for even a second. Even if it feels like it doesn’t need to be stated. So many people barely get so much as a compliment, most of their interactions (if they even take place) are negative. Treat people how you would want to be treated.

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The golden rule, treat others how they treat you, but try and treat them how you would like to be treated. The path of the monk is long and perilous, stay strong

Eh it’s a cruel world people really won’t care how they affect someone they might never see again

Well, this is going to suck to tell you, but it's the truth: your "one" made a choice long before she met you to be a typical woman, and that's why you are where you are. You two were supposed to be together from the beginning, as that's how you were created. But somewhere along the line, she chose the same evil many thots choose, because they like the evil. She traded both you and happiness for the evil women are famous for.

What happened with you was that, when you two got together, she was temporarily blinded by the love she had for you, the love that she had for you since before you two met. This was also her last chance and choosing you and love/happiness over thottery/evil.

Those few fights you had at the beginninig were not exactly normal. The fighting begins usally after moving in, so those few fights were early warning signs that something was wrong on her end.

Those increasing fights? That was the sign for you that it was time to leave the relationship. She was fighting you because she was doing bad shit on the side, and she was blaming you for it, rather than taking the blame for her own evil. I'm pretty sure she was cheating on you, and doing something with someone who enjoyed playing The Game with her, something you didn't do. What she wanted was you to be her emotional sponge/support so she could go fuck other guys, play the game, and go into total thottery. That gave her a shit ton of attention, and all she wanted you to do was effectively be an abuseable slave, so she could feel like a goddess among men.

Instead, you two were in an actual relationship, and she was angry, because she had to be a gf, not a master/abuser. This was cognitive dissonance on her part, but she was ABSOLUTELY DETERMINED TO HAVE HER EVIL. She made her final rejection of you, love, happiness, her destiny, what she was created for, and all that is good.

So this had nothing to do with treating people as you want to be treated. It had to do with HER CHOICE TO BE EVIL. That's what this was about.

I'm sorry it happened to you, but let your emotions out, and cry it out of you, or however you get your emotions out. Let go of her. This is all you can do. And don't drown yourself in porn, as that will fuck your mind and heart up.

I've had to do the same as you, though I ended up being beta/gamma, and letting them walk all over me, until I learned to walk the fuck away. Hell, I didn't even get to see their tits, much less fuck them. But I had to let go of them once I learned to walk away.

It's a freeing experience once you get them out of your heart. Let it all go.

Jeeez olichan.., EVIL is strong word. I think the problem with to many men is the whole fixation on a woman. There is no such thing as the ONE for you. There are dozen of woman you'll have a good relationship with, and there are dozens more where you wont. Sure, enough people are self absorbed, judgemental or crazy. But if that's the case just move along. It doesn't mater if its a girl you like, a boss or colleague or family member. As soon as you start letting other people determine your boundaries you are going to be unhappy. I think most people have issues with this because of there own insecurities. Deal with these and you'll find yourself in these situations a lot less. Usually the signs where there on day one, you just ignored them because of your own insecurities.

Quote: Jeeez olichan.., EVIL is strong word.
And I used it for a reason. Evil is the correct word. She wasn't meant to go fuck guy after guy and ignore the guy that she was supposed to be with, but that's exactly what happened, and she did it long before meeting him in the real world. Getting with OP was her last chance, and now she's chasing evil shit, getting into it more and more. There's a difference between stupid shit and evil shit, and she crossed that line ages ago. She'll hit the wall harder than a Japanese bullet train at full speed. Whether she'll learn her lesson or not is another matter. But most women that hit the wall keep trying to chase their evil, thinking that they can win.

Be like water.

[+] 1 user Likes thundereder9t8y's post
Truly words to live by.

Quote: Be like water.
But don't be spineless, either. Plenty of water out there made up of those choosing the path of least resistance.