A film people rave about, but you dont see the hype
I was watching the room with brie larson and i was bored out of my mind yet every one i speak to, and the reviews online rave about it.

What film that you have seen did you not get the hype?

Funnily, Lord of the Rings trilogy.

I dont like fellowship, but two towers and return of the king are amazing, but i can see how people get turned off by them if they dont like that genre of film

I'm the opposite, I liked the first half of Fellowship then it fizzled out for me and then it gets worse for my enjoyment, naturally a trilogy isn't going to be self contained so my expectations were off base. I've even tried watching all three in one sitting but the pacing still felt off and I think a recut would probably do it justice. I appreciate a lot of the other aspects of LOTR as well as the technical marvel that it was at the time as well, I just personally think it's slightly over-hyped if I had to pick a good movie that was over-hyped.

Any of the comic book movies. I just don't get it

the matrix, it was way too full of its own shit

Transformer movies aren't good

Everyone thinks the Transformers movies are terrible though. I genuinely don't know how they're successful.