A low-paying job you enjoy or a high-paying job you hate?
To simply put it, $10/hr for what you enjoy doing or $100/hr to clean dirty toilets. Which would you pick and why?

People often stress the importance doing what you love so it doesn't feel like you're working, but how do you feel about this? I was talking with a co-worker and asked if he liked working at the company. He said it didn't matter if he liked it or not, as long as the pay was right, he's cool with anything. Thinking more on it, I feel like he's right. If I was offered a 100 bucks an hour to clean the toilets, I'd take it too lol. I used to think the opposite, but when putting it that way, work is work. I could just grind it out and enjoy the benefits at a later time as opposed to enjoying it now and struggling later. Just some thoughts after having that conversation. What are yours?

High paying job I hate until I hit my savings / retirement goals, then low paying job I like until I die.

I think it's probably worth it to suffer if necessary for 5-10 years if it means I'll be set for life.

It depends on what you want/what your goals are. If you just wanna chill, then you take the low paying job, but you're gonna be happy and poor. If you can put up with the terrible high paying job for a while, then live like a poor man for a while, saving what you can from that job. When you're ready to pounce on your dreams, leave the high paying job, or change it to part time. Use the most of your opportunities.

Don't really care what job it is, as long as it pays well enough

Definitely high paying job you hate. Work isnt the only way to feel fulfilled. Just dont bring the stress home.

From experience id always go with the high paying job to start. earn that money, invest it wisely until you dont need that high paying job anymore

I am more of the retiring early crew as well, so it is also hateable job for me really.

Being God

Being God

I think a high-paying job is the way to go. The sooner you can retire, the sooner you can do exactly what you want, no strings attached.

Unless the high-paying job is absolutely soul-sucking/cursed, it's the high-paying job all the way. Worst case you can save up enough of a nest egg to do a job you love later down the line and still be comfortable, right?

however,we always need a job to support ourslive

I'd 100% go with the higher paying job, it allows you to set yourself up for the future and gives more opportunities to hobbies

As others have said, it depends on how long I have to work the high paying job before being set.

I guess I would suffer some time to earn some money at first and then I would work in something that I really like

As long my means are covered, a low paying job that i enjoy would be best

Personally I think finding a decent paying job that’s not too stressful shouldn’t be too difficult, everyone’s gotta start somewhere

[+] 1 user Likes Bowserjr665's post
Honestly, happy medium. I was somewhat in the former camp (or at least high paying for my area/age) and I got to a point where I just couldn't do it anymore

[+] 1 user Likes Danielsantoku's post
I would take the $100/hr and try to make the best out of it.