AI in graphics
microsoft is already using this to make streaming games much easeir on broadband

but i want to know when ai can make it really easy to build a video game

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I believe there's AI that is used to make background in games so trees and clouds and what not are not made statically.

In the end AI is a very big umbrella and can be made to do whatever you want it to do with enough effort.

I don't know if AI could make it easy to make a video game, on its own at least. What did you have in mind?

I mean in terms of using AI to speed up game development, procedural generation is already kinda there. AI is more of a blanket term for like, neural networks or self learning stuff. That being said youre not really gonna get that for while. Simply due to how many variables would be involved in game development that would probably take lifetimes to teach some type of neural network to do.

Yee thats not going to happen soon. If what I understand is right, you are thinking about a game that is created by an AI? Very hard to tell though and I dont think its going to be used. Procedural generation SUCKS and no triple A developer has used it yet.



AI is already used in games for content creation (textures, animations)