Honestly, how's everyone feeling about these attacks on Asian elders. IMO. it's not cool. The elders can't hit back or cause you no harm in anyway. Why target them?!

[+] 1 user Likes JDMCLASSICTURB0's post
I wonder who is actually attacking them???? hmmm I wonder.... could it be that group with that has really high crime statistics..... surely not.....

Definitely not cool, they should be ashamed

[+] 1 user Likes hamiso's post
I haven't heard anyone say that they are being motivated by fear of covid, and I would be dubious if they did make that claim. I think that people overfocus on white-black relations in the US and we lose sight of what's going on between other communities. Jewish and Asian people have overall been very successful in the US, and more power to them. However, some people may resent that and have poor self-control/reflection. As far as blacks attacking Asians, I doubt you will see immigrants like Jamaicans or Nigerians attacking Asians. Why? They're rather well-educated with higher incomes as well as strong family units, and that doesn't correlate with random street attacks, in my opinion.

[+] 1 user Likes whoisthejellyman's post
Scary and crazy world we live in

I think it's shitty. It's bad because we know no matter what race, there are good people and bad people. It's just sad to see that it's dis proportionally african americans doing the attacks on the elder asians

Are asians really targeted or just coincidence? Either way, it sucks.

i think so. at least elderly asians. Too many incidents in such a short time frame. all in the bay area.

it's sad, but not much can be done. 5 Percenters doing it.

it's not about fear. it's worse. its about "What's mine" and a cult mentality that is currently empowered. 5 percent nation. they teach tremendous hate of all others. cult of hate  started by ex NOI members that is strongest in NYC.

sadly yes they are being targetted nationwide and stalked. It's the 5 Percent Nation aka Nation of Gods and Earths. They have a specific eternal beef with Asians. Belief that they are true "AAsiatic" race, and that AAPIs  don't actually exist as humans. It's a really strong cult that's full of hate. They believe they can't sin or commit wrong in any way. Their males are living deities and their females are the goddess Queen and Mother Earth. All others are soulless demons or worse and should not exist. Even their blood family members that are not part of the cult are  considered less  than trash and traitors by them. No exaggeraion. It's a sad messed up culture. Some pretty high profile people openly support them and wear medallions and symbols representing the cult.

It upsets me deeply, racism has no place in my heart.

"Really high crime statistics"

Found the moron who likes simplistic answers that make him comfy.

Of course they are most often getting attacked in poor innercity neighborhoods, of course there is more crime in poverty riddled areas - and to be more specific, during times of national unrest attacks on people perceived as foreigners Always go up, and there happens to be a lot of history between those two races - not for the 'black people are violent' reason you are indicating, but because asians have been contributing to gentrification of those neighborhoods. 

Ever notice the 'shop owner in the hood is asian immigrant' trope in movies? Well, it's a reality - they are constantly one step up on the economic foodchain and it causes unrest in the people who have been living their longer (black people) that are fighting for the same opportunities being taken by immigrants, same way white nationalism ends up lashing out at hispanics for taking their jobs - but slightly less petty.

Its super messed, they know older people can't defend themselves and they wont target the younger generation because they know they can fight back and get beat.

[+] 1 user Likes anonjay's post
It terrible that no matter what we do racism will continue to exist.

[+] 1 user Likes francxs's post
That's really messed up, maybe the attackers are the same kind of people who blame asian people for the pandemic.

It's a shame that things like race are still being somewhat legitimized as reasons to hate people, it's pathetic.

It's really messed up how we still have such occurences here

notice how they never fight the big asian people

[+] 1 user Likes mede ang's post