If you could bring back to life only one of these Harry Potter characters, who would it be and why?

Sirius Black
Fred Weasley
Mad-Eye Moody
Remus Lupin

Dumbledore, because i'm predictable

I read the books before watching the movies and for some reason the death that affected me the most was Hedwig’s so I would go for her.

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Snape. He's been through a lot and kinda earned it.

Sirius. He was wrongly imprisoned and torture for years, and Harry deserves to have him in his life.

Either Sirius or Remus as they could be the closest to a father figure that Harry could have. Although Sirius wouldn't be the best of role models...

Dumbledore because ... dumbledore!

Dumbledore, mostly so he can answer a lot of questions

Snape just to see if he'd still be bitter after its all over and whether hed hate harrys kids or not too

Dumbledore because he’s wise and the headmaster

All of those deaths served a narrative purpose except Hedgwig's. So Hedwig.

fred weasley not fair seeing his bro like that man

You've got to bring back Sirius. He may have been a dick at school, but the man was wrongly accused of being a murder and imprisoned! He did his waiting... 12 years of it!

Hedwig. Innocent animal that has no way to defend herself. The others were prepared for the risks and had their own free will.

Snape, no comment

Dumbledore he died i'm sad..