After covid is over what do you think will never be the same compared to precovid?
I already feel like I can detect a cough from a mile away. I can see how many people will stay germophobic for some time or possibly people resume their daily lives like it never happened. What do you think?

i can see people still using masks even after covid like at airports and other very public places. it already happens in china, they use masks everywehre

I dont think things will go back to normal completely

More safety with masks for general sickness probably

Some people are already refusing to wear masks and as time passes more people seem to be meeting up more often. I think everyone is eager to get over the whole situation and put it behind us when it gets "normal" so I wouldn't be surprised if everything is treated as it didn't happen within a year.

Many things will be different, this corona has made many people very tense about many things. You can see the effect already with all the protesting and counter-protesting that turns violent. With no actual face to face interaction, people forget that the others around them feel the same emotions as they do and likely live lives similar to them. Though for some people, it will be exactly the same depending on how much they were impacted.

Not wearing mask would be weird for a good while

i think all people around the world will still use mask etc because they are more safe when using them

I see tons of people with masks under their nose and even their chin, I bet it'll be awkward for the 1st couple months at most then everyone will revert to regular life except maybe speaking to someone directly who might be coughing.