When do you guys think we will see aliens. 10 years, 20 years? I feel like the UFOs aren't actually UFOs that were taken by picture

on tiktok i heard the pentagontigon is gonna release some info but who knows if that's true or not

Most likely they'll release the info on the second Tuesday of next week.

The seventh Sunday from the next Blood Moon I say!


They are already living with us

well all them new jet fighter and naval ships keep popping up. wouldnt surprise me if it was 10 years

we haven't seen any aliens so the alien and UFO representations are only human inventions and imaginations due to images to create a myth, a consumption, a subject, so the aliens probably don't exist but they are probably some kind of human like us or something else

I'm more curious of their organic system - how different can they be from life on Earth

If they're smart they'd never come to Earth, maybe that's why we never saw them

I hope so, its weird to think that theres this huge infite universe and we are the only living creatures