Its that time of year in the Northern hemisphere for allergies. What do you suffer mostly from and do you have any secret remedies Sad Shy

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Grass. But it's weird, it only comes in during a particular time, sometimes nothing at all.

The only remedy I know of for anyone's allergies is to live extremely close to the beach. The humidified air coming from the ocean fixes the vast majority of sinus problems.

Nah, dont suffer form any.

Pollen. Eating honey fuck me up real bad.


No allergies here

It’s bad for me this year. Pollen

It makes a lot of sense to live near the ocean. This way, not even pollens can do anything to you and you'll be free from any allergies excluding the ones you get from eating food you're allergic to. That's an exception though.

Pollen, it's hurt so much that i have my eyes all red

allegra usually works best for me, besides benadryl which is great but puts me to sleep. if you have nasal contention, extra strength mel-synephrine nasal spray is fucking amazing and works like a dream. i’ve been congested to the point that i can’t get air out of either nostril and 2 pumps of that shit and it’s instantly clear. don’t use it too often though, i wouldn’t use it more than 1x per week. i have a friend that used it daily because he has horrible allergies and he’s completely dependent on it now, he has to use it 3x a day every day now because his body is dependent. definitely a last resort but if your nose is really bad it works unbelievably