Amber Heard not lookn' good
...yea so Depp took the stand and revealed a call where Heard admits to beating on is a really bad look...she also claims the dogs pooped on his bed...but they are really small...crazy how much his career died b/c of dis

[+] 1 user Likes samw34099's post
I hate reality TV, but I love all of the clips I keep seeing of this. I assumed she was telling the truth, but her team is soooo laughably bad and he keeps coming across as likeable.

[+] 1 user Likes mynameistoby's post
hopefully the verdict comes soon.

[+] 1 user Likes mesomagnet's post
...some1 online said the legal thing he is trying is rlly hard to even if he looks gud now he prolly wont win

[+] 1 user Likes samw34099's post
I don't know why this one is the one, but goddamn. I'm fuckin done with celebrity shit for a while man.

If you think Amber Turd looks bad now, wait until next week. Next week is the thermonuclear destruction of Amber Turd, aka her cross-examination by Depp's lawyers. They're gonna use that Latina lady to do the cross, so that Turd gets mad and catty at seeing a beautiful woman cross her. Women get catty and bitchy and pissy when they have to deal with women as or more beautiful than they are. And what lawyer doesn't want an opposing counsel witness to fuck up on the stand? I might actually watch the cross on this, it might be worth it.

What I don't get is this: why the fuck did Turd's lawyers agree to a one-week break between the end of their q&a and the cross-examination? That gave opposing counsel (Depp's lawyers) SEVEN FULL FUCKING DAYS (!!!) to scrutinize all of her testimony, all of the evidence they presented, and all other material. Sure, they're probably all doing 16 hour days studying it all, but this is going to be a true thermonuclear destruction of Turd on the stand. You can't pay for this kind of drama!

Here's what I think will happen:
- Depp will win in the Court of Public Opinion.
- Turd will lose in the Court of Public Opinion.
- Turd's only supported are the insane feminists.
- Turd's role as Aquaman will be 10 minutes or less on screen.
- Her countersuit against Depp will be dismissed with prejudice.
- Depp will get roles no matter what the actual jury decides because he has won in the Court of Public Opinion.
- This will be Turd's last movie, as she'll be unofficially blacklisted from Hollywood.
- Turd might get a Netflix something, but that will have such bad rating as to never be pirated in great numbers.
- The insane feminists will screech something about victory or Depp lied (depending on the trial outcome), but will go insane when other men start winning abuse cases, and get spousal/child support when showing that they were physically/mentally/emotionally/psychologicall abused by their women.
- 4chan will still shit all over the insane feminists, hopefully after eating a ton of spicy curry.

I hope Disney gets fucked in this one way or another, and that they're forced to apologize to Depp, no matter what the jury says. Seeing Disney and Turd get fucked in this would be a glorious outcome.

Does anyone else think that this trial has been more entertaining than any movie or tv show put out by the studios?