Anime Suggestions?
Looking to watch a new Anime, for the genre, anything really interest me. 

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Few of my current favourites:

One Punch Man 
My Hero Academia - if you like Naruto, Dragon Ball Z, The whole fighting super hero stuff I'd recommend this.
Haikyu!! - Probably my current favorite.  Exciting and funny volley anime. 
Attack on Titan - Probably the biggest anime series in the last few years. Very dark.

That time I got reincarnated as a slime
Kill La Kill
Goblin Slayer

I'll be the guy to say JoJo. Watch JoJo. It was always coming.

Log Horizon
Full Metal Alchemist
JoJo Wink

Fullmetal Alchemist - Brotherhood is a must, but my favorite to recommend is Spice and Wolf. Ironically for a Romantic Anime, it deserves more love.

silver is really good imo and its not the typical shonen anime but more of a piece of life! its really good tho!

Start with Fate Zero and then watch Fate Stay Night Unlimited Blade Works