Anime recommendations?
i just finished fire force and i need some new anime recommendations, preferably ones that i can find on netflix

my fav genres are slice of life/romance btw


[+] 1 user Likes meleeitonme123's post
hunter x hunterrr go for it mate its worth it  Smile

Grand Blue is just a great anime, very funny and interesting.

Really reccomend checking out march comes in like a lion

it's a wholesome slice of life my dude!

[+] 1 user Likes TheDough300's post
Been surprised by how much I've enjoyed my next life as a villainous all routes lead to doom so far

VInland Saga is one of the best animes to come out recently.  Highly recommend checking it out.

Also if you're okay with more western stuff, the Netflix Castlevania series is great.