Any Fans of World of Warcraft? Please share your game stories
I am a huge fan of World of Warcraft. The 1st role I played is a hunter and then a rouge. Love rouge more since it kinda fits my personality. I know the game is slowly dying by losing gamers especially the ones like me who played since almost the release date of this game. But I do not blame the game. It just grow too big and complecated that you need to spend a lot of time with it, which unfortunately I do not have Sad

Any1 also likes this game here? Please share anything about the game!

I enjoyed it way back. Played it when I as in college with my friends. Was a fun way to pass the time and have some fun during the evenings and hang out with some cool online folks. Enjoyed raiding and the difficulty of it. Didn't enjoy the raiding as much when folks forgot the easy mechanics or seemed that way to me for fights and died countless times so it took longer on clears but was fun regardless cause some of the stuff was funny. Remember doing a raid in Wrath of the Lich King and guild leader was explaining the fight and telling folks who kept dying where not to stand. Guy ends up pulling the boss accidentally and saying yeah not like that I lead by example. Was a good laugh. But that was the end of my WoW days. Game to me got too dumbed down and easy to me. Used to play Elemental Shaman and don't see much of those anymore at least for streamers. Was fun while it lasted though.

Everytime I get to play it, I get bored way too quick. But I love the lore and still keep up to date to it. Amazing story lines and characters!