Any Path of Exile Players out there?
Old Diablo 2 / Diablo 3 fanatic, swapped over to POE after they closed down the real life cash shop in D3.  This game has been out forever but somehow every season they get me to play for a few weeks while I level up a new guy and kill the Shaper / or the new content bosses.

Still sane exile?

Yo thats kinda cool innit

[+] 1 user Likes Lee Lee's post

I have tried PoE several time, but i tend to quit for some reason that i cannot explain. It is a good game. I have never made it to endgame, believe around 30ish is my highest. I just downloaded it a couple of days ago again and will give it another go ( gotta be like the 5th time i installed it)
Think my problem with PoE as fas as i understand is that if you don´t use the correct talents from the start you will not make endgame, you will just die. And respecing is not an option since you cannot reset all skills ( correct me if i am wrong here). But then again there are plenty of guides and speccs out there on the interweb. So maybe this time i will try and follow one of those Wink

Otherwise, D2 and D3 are my background same as you. These days only play D3 for a few weeks when there is a new season then i get bored.

Also, if you havent tried Grimdawn, thats a pretty fun game aswell.


[+] 1 user Likes d00kz's post
Console starts tomorrow at 2pm, I'm stoked.

You can revert your sklls for sure, it takes "refund points" you get from the white currency item orb of regret.

Try out poe ninja for help on making builds.  Since I start a few days after the PC players, I search by skillls I wante to try out this season and see how PC players are doing with those skills.  This season I think I"m going to either build a Ball Lightning Ascendant, Glacial Cascade Totm guy, or a Glacial Cascade Miner.

Good luck this season!  Freakin love this game, and the Hesit mecanic loks awesome.

I've heard of Grimdawn but havn't seen int on console yet, unfortunately my gaming PC needs a new fan on my Vid Card cause I overheat constantly.  Waiting till it gets cold so I can game again.... Tongue

Lol console release was a mess. Was intended to release at 2pm PST, released at 4am the next day.

Forums were destroying GGG, but you can't be so negative vs the developer. It's not like they wanted to have a bad launch right?