Any advice for revenge on noisy upstairs neighbor during quurantine?
I'm currently living on the bottom apartment under a particularly heavy-footed neighbor that moved in and is seemingly deliberately stomping around slamming things banging on the floor... I don't want to have to "snitch" to the apartment management but this unset, (or unlivable) where I can't get more than 20 minutes of peace before boom something else crashes down and the stomping across the floor starts all over again. I'm at a point where somethings got to give.

Any advice on what you would do or have done in a situation like this is much appreciated.

report them

[+] 1 user Likes kevin phan's post
Start a shootout

If he has carpet outside his front door, pour something awful (milk) onto the carpet and wait for it to stink. Wont get him to stop but he wont enjoy it

[+] 1 user Likes jackspugs's post
Have sex really loudly

You have to report them. I’m a light sleeper and that would bother me so much. I would first talk to them and then if that doesn’t work report them to management.

Fight noise with noise.

Kek just tell him to tone it down ,if he doesnt report him