Any fitness freak out there?
Looking for anybody experienced in the field of weightlifting for tips and foolproof way on how to put on mass as a guy who’s been somewhat skinny and unable to put on mass his whole life. Thanks so much ladies and gents!

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eat a lot more than you usually do, blenders are helpful

Eat eat and eat, gainers help a lot and and as previous memeber said, u can blend it with tons of different stuff to get more calories.

J0KER Wrote:Looking for anybody experienced in the field of weightlifting for tips and foolproof way on how to put on mass as a guy who’s been somewhat skinny and unable to put on mass his whole life. Thanks so much ladies and gents!
yeah i love working out

Make a workout plan and follow it

I have to disagree with the others. Endless eating may put on weight, but in the most unhealthy way. Especially for a thin bodytype, adding weight can just increase visceral fat, the unhealthy fat around internal organs that cause illness. A healthy diet is more ideal.

Consider checking with your doctor first for any reasons why you cannot gain weight. There are many diseases that cause this, from hepatitis to intestinal diseases to anorexia to parkinsons. Don't worry about having these, but there may be a more likely root cause, like a thyroid issue, that is easily treatable.

Lifting weighs is an excellent way to gain muscle mass. For a rapid increase in muscle mass, do more repetitions with a heavier weight, and fewer sets. The muscle produced won't be toned or best for endurance.

The main thing is that skinny is alright. You can be skinny. You're ok. You may not seem to fit in with people around you, but we all find our own way. "Somewhat skinny" can be comfortable and admirable.

^ Wow this poster has quite gotten it down. Listen to him. Some people just have a skinny body type (see endomorph, mesomorph, ectomorph). Don't be too stressed about it. Assuming health conditions aside, here's what I have to say.

I'm relatively skinny too, well, moreso in the past. There's a lot of complicated tips, and here's two basic rules of thumb.

1) Make sure you're eating correctly. Eat a lot, but make sure it's still a balanced diet. Make sure you're getting enough calories and not skipping meals. Do this at the very least.
2) Try to be relatively active. You don't need to become a fitness freak, but maybe pick up a physical hobby. Go to the gym 1-2 times a week. Or play basketball, tennis, rock climbing, etc. Don't jump straight into it otherwise you'll scare yourself off, take it easy man.

I'm glad you liked it ghulaky123.

I remember when the skinny body type was unpopular. Always the Charles Atlas comics, and young men desperate to bulk up on protein powders. I never liked that, but with the obesity epidemic, society changed to prefer thinness. People want what they don't have, and will risk everything to get it.

I believe health is the goal. A balanced diet and physical activity is ideal.

If you can't put on mass you're not eating enough

Count your macros for like a week. If you're providing enough stimulation but still cannot build muscle mass you probably are not hitting your goals in terms of

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or calories in general.

If you're doing challenging strength training and providing enough building material for your body and STILL can't gain weight for an extended period of time, do as others have said - talk to a doctor.

Ex hard gainer 

Steps i followed
track volume (2x per week for each muscle group finally worked for me)
progressive overload (add weight over time when lift gets too easy)
drink enough water (body mass(lb)/ 2 in fl oz per day)

Here is an example routine i follow 

i can get into more detail if you want

May want to check out specialty routines for specific purposes-

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It makes sense to go with professional routines, but few are proven scientifically. A fast and simple option would be the 5BX, but it is dated. High intensity training is popular now. 5BX innovated this with research-

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