Any good anime seasonal recommendations?
Ever since kissanime died I've stopped watching anime so much as it's hard to tell what's the popular show this season. Can anyone give me some good recommendations for this season?

[+] 1 user Likes iloveincognito's post
you can use myanimelist if you want to see popular shows, you just go to anime>seasonal anime and then it's sorted by how many people have added it to their watch lists. You can sort it differently too but I figured that's what you'd want. Sadly I cannot give any recommendations for this season, as I got really busy with work and nothing looked interesting to me anyway. For Winter 2021 though there seems to be a lot of popular shows getting second/third/etc seasons so I'm pretty stoked for that, hopefully I'm not too busy.

[+] 1 user Likes bluej's post
Jujutsu Kaisen good

I am only watching one seasonal anime and that's Tian Guan Ci Fu which is a donghua (chinese animation) by the same author as Mo Dao Zu Shi and it seems to have potential though  i am not up to date just yet

Attack on Titan is the only good anime airing now

anime is not good for dick and pussy