Any reason to get a PC if I'm not interested in the mainstream PC games?
Having a PC sounds cool, but considering I don't play League, Valorant, Fortnite, or any of the common "PC games" out there, I'm not sure if it's worth the effort of getting one over the laptop I currently have. Especially considering I move around often and it seems to be a hassle on top of it.

theres plenty to do with a pc ngl its always good to have a half decent one

Well, a pc can be used for basically anything entertainment/work related. Theres tons of nonmainstream related games you can play anyways.

One of the great things about PCs is that you can put pretty much as much or as little as you want into it, especially if you build your own. Personally, I would just go for a fairly old graphics card, 4-8 GB of RAM, and a decent AMD CPU. You really don't have to put too much into it to get something that will play at least a large amount of not quite state of the art games at 1080p at moderate settings (actually not bad at all compared to consoles), or fairly low settings on newer games, but at some point there may be a limit to what you can play. It just depends on how complex the graphics are, and if you find that you'd like to upgrade for better performance or higher quality, you can upgrade as you need to.

Whilst everyones different, I'd still recommend it. There is an absolute plethora of non-mainstream titles available on pc exclusively that are worth your time. The options for both free to play games as well as lower cost indie games are endless, after moving from console roughly over a decade ago theres legitimately only been a handful of times of paid for a full price triple A game.

In regards to weighing up laptop vs pc, the difference is worth it, even if you're not playing a top tier graphically demanding game. But then again, it does come down to how you prefer playing.

Gaming laptops used to be a meme but now they are very good and affordable. Anything with a 1060 upwards can play all the latest games very well.

Yes because it can be used for so much more than just gaming

I'd say they're worth it just because they serve much more than just being a gaming machine

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That’s the exact reason you should get a pc then. If you’re into games that people don’t usually talk about then PC gaming is for you. Check out humble bundle or something similar. You can build that game library super quick for cheap with all types of games.

if u spend some money, cool graphic and frame will make your eye pleased with latest games
think that's the most important to reason to buy desktop

I'd rather just stick with consoles. Just because I'm so used to them

Ps5 = 500$ . You can build a pc for around 1000$ that will run games and more than likely outlive the next console. Don't wanna play games with m&k? Just plug in your controller. I can find 99% of console games on steam .
I used to be on console , when i swapped to pc i realized i was basically playing games in slow-mo.

Personally the biggest reason to get a PC if your not into AAA games is the indy games. Steam alone has more Indy games than you could play in a life time, and the best part is that you don't even need an expensive machine

Building your own PC is a good bit of fun in itself. Don't buy prebuilt, do a little research and build your own. Though buying a GPU right now probably isn't a great idea, unless you find something older going for cheap.