Any recommendations for books about algorithms and data structures?
Does anyone know any good books about algorithms and data structures?

This book is good:

RE: Any recommendations for books about algorithms and data structures?.

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If you want the BEST book for algorithms and even data structures, look for this:

RE: Any recommendations for books about algorithms and data structures?.

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I can't found it in english, try to search for it because that's really worth it.
Concepts are explained in an easy way without leaving anything

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Try searching: 

RE: Any recommendations for books about algorithms and data structures?.

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I'll check these links. Thanks for the post and replies!

You can try the introduction to algorithme by george paul, it's free on his blog

some message

thanks dude

Algorithms by Robert Sedgewick is probably a good place to start from. Most algorithms and data structures within the book have Java implementations you could look at.

Introduction to Algorithms by Thomas H. Cormen et al is also a good resource.

If you really want to pimp your data structures game, leverage MIT resources:

RE: Any recommendations for books about algorithms and data structures?.

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[+] 1 user Likes ok10ds4's post
walking through

Thanks, these will be useful!

Go for Introduction to Algorithms by CLSR if you want the theory and proof but if you want implementations, go for Robert Sedgewick.