Any tips on learning how to draw
I would like to learn how to be able to do portraits at some point, I'm not interested in drawing cartoons or anime. Besides just practicing is there any material online that can help me. most youtube tutorials tend to stylize things in drawings or are a bit too basic.

practice is definitely important!

I feel that creativity plays a big role in Art, imagining the picture in your mind and picture it step by step, starting with simple things to draw and getting the fundamentals right to build more confidence and expressing your uniqueness. No Art is ugly, start simple and then improve on the simple and expand your idea, instead of learning the harder techniques, and making little progress just by trying to perfect it.

A lot of practice. It then becomes muscle memory. Tracing things also helps.

I guess practice makes perfect! Yeah other than that, you can seek advice from the pros (commenting in their videos?) on how to improve or develop your own style.

Pretty much just practice, practice, practice. Find something you want to draw and just keep drawing it over and over until it’s where you want it to be.

Keep practicing and watch youtube videos. Personally, it helps me a lot.

just draw, you will get better

Of course practice makes perfect.
As someone who studies car design, I personally improved my drawing/sketching skills by copying other professional works out there during my earlier years.
When you get good at copying, you can start to implement your own skill into it to create your own art. Keep doing that and you'll end up, if not, somewhere close to the level you wanted to be in the end.