Anybody ever accidentally cut off a body part that never came back
I don't want to get into how but I accidentally shaved off a nipple and I'm really freaked out about whether or not it'll grow back

I've had really bad cuts and stuff before and it call comes back but it's always smooth and covered up, will it look mostly normal when I heal?

I dont think you will grow your nipple back RIP

Say whaaaattt???

There was a slight chance it’ll heal and attach back to the skin surface if it wasn’t completely ripped off but I don’t see any chance for your situation

First of all OUCH! Will it grow back. Nope, i am quite sure it will not. Sad
Got my dick stuck in the zipper once. that was not pleasant. But so far all my body parts are still present Smile

am I seriously screwed? I really don't want to be shirtless if I'm missing a nipple that's going to look so weird

Hey let me help you

I'm screaming, this is the funniest/randomest post I've seen yet

RIP your nipple dude.

the skin healed over but it's totally smooth, this is seriously freaking me out, is there anyway to make it grow back the way it was? it can be uneven or whatever but this looks so awful I can't keep hiding it from my girlfriend either, I told her I had COVID to stall and stay away for two weeks