Anybody remotely excited for Morbius?
I am an avid fan of marvel and I'm gonna be honest, I could care less about this upcoming Morbius movie and I was curious to see anyone's thoughts on this movie. If you see this thread after the movie is out lmk what you thought of it.

Morbius looks alright. I wouldn't say I'm exactly excited for it. I think it looks like a good little side movie, but we'll see I guess LOL. The character seems somewhat interesting, but depends on the actor right. I'm one of those dudes who loves marvel movies but doesn't read the comics or like anything other than the movies so I will probably think it's okay.

I totally agree. I enjoy most movies that I watch regardless of what others think, but everyone is saying it’s really bad so I’m gonna go into the movie with low expectations. We will see how it goes!

It turned out to be trash.

I haven’t heard many good things. Leto isn’t the best either. Moonknight is incredible though.

Great singer, meh actor.

Idrk some people are saying it’s good and other people are saying it’s the worst marvel movie ever. I most likely won’t watch tbh and if I do it’s going to be later it really just doesn’t seem like it’s worth watching.