Anyone a fan of football (soccer)?
Just curious to know how many people here watch soccer since I assume this is mostly a US based website, like how popular is the sport over the pond

Mostly people with foreign parents,all of my American friends despise football

i don't think that's true. soccer is one of the most popular sports in the us to play, and tons of people watch mexican and euro soccer. americans like to watch the best, and the american league is minor but growing.

Yessir GGMU, though they definitely not win this season

I just enjoy but don't really like to watch it.. sometimes the matches are boring

Yes actually! I’m a huge Aston Villa fan. What team(s) do you follow?

here sir i love football

I like football, I can't play so good but still I love to watch it

Ahhhh who put Soccer ?? anyways YNWA fan right here regardless of how this season ends up I’ll support them till the end

Love Fifa Smile

Yessir, soccer is my favorite sport besides speedwalking. Very exciting!

I know a few US based footy fans - I'm a Glasgow Rangers supporter myself, and luckily we've won the league title this year to stop our great rivals from winning 10 titles in a row - it was poetic justice after what happened to our great club in the past!