Anyone do anything weird in their sleep?
I think I suffer from post nasal drip which causes me to have a lot of mucus going down my throat. Sometimes during the night I wake up feeling like I have to spit a small amount phlegm out my mouth, so half-unconcious me normally locates the bin in my room to do it.

However, here's the weird or funny thing (depending how you see it). I notice a lot of the times I wake up in the morning and I have just moved my bin next to my bed, but I have no memory of ever doing this. My bin is normally on the other side of my room, under a small table behind a fan, so it's not easy to get to. I don't know whether I use the bin, or I just move it their out of precaution in my sleep. It doesn't happen all the time, but when it does, it's like a creepy suprise to wake up and see my bin has suddenly moved next to me.

So does anyone have any weird things they do in their sleep?

[+] 2 users Like reptar4's post
Other than waking up with my blanket the wrong way round, not really.

[+] 1 user Likes iloveincognito's post
i kick like a maniac in my sleep

[+] 1 user Likes Huskey1337's post
nah not really but thats funny tho

Same here lol.