Anyone else not see the hype behind the Witcher 3?
Dont get me wrong, it’s a fine enough game. Definitely enjoyed it, but I dont see the whole “IT’S THE GREATEST GAME EVER” crowds point of view. Am I alone on this?

I mean. I liked it very much. Story was fucking amazing, loved playing as geralt. Combat was a bit hit or miss but it didnt hamper my experience. Definitely one i enjoyed greatly

I think it's always minorities that feel the need to shout exaggerated opinions. So you'll see a lot of people that think the witcher 3 is the greatest game of all time or maybe the oposite. 

Im pretty sure most people feel the same way about is as you but don't feel the need to spread that opinion everywhere so it'll look like people either breathe the witcher 3 or have a dartboard with geralt on it at home.

The witcher 3 is actually also one of my favorite games for sure but I definetly enjoyed a lot of other games too.

Everything about the genre and game should sink me in. But I've tried twice and just can't get into it. I think the pacing is just way too slow.

I find the story to be one of the more compelling and entertaining things I’ve ever experienced in a video game, so I say believe the hype

It’s not that i dont see why there is hype that surrounds the game. Having fully played through it, i can totally understand it. But the problem lies in the amount of hype. Like it has monikers like “Best game of this console generation” and “best game of all time.” CDPR get alot of praise for it as well, namely because of their pro-consumer attitude. Honestly i think more people like cdpr than the games they make.