Anyone else waiting on the new battlefield?
i’m hoping for a modern setting but i have no idea what we’re gonna get.

How much more modern can we get than "Battlefield 2142"?

I cant wait, I always loved BF over COD

no I am not denfinitely waiting on the new battlefield

bf has been boring for me ever since bf4

I'm waiting for it but i'm also very cautious since the last few battlefields weren't too good. The setting this time will be a modern war with robots and drones from what i've read, hopefully they balance it well since i wouldn't like getting killed by AI robots like it's a COD killstreak lol

the setting is around 2030 and they described it as bf3/4 on steroids. 128 players, levolution on another level and fully destructible environment. pretty excited if all that is true

Can not wait!