Anyone got recommendations for webcams budget of about ~$50-$60
I know most people end up using the Logitech C920 running up about $100+, but I'm looking for something mb off-brand that would do similar at a cheaper price point. Can anyone vouch for a cheap alternative with a decent image quality for general use?

lenovo 500 fhd lets you use facial login on windows. only $70

Use a phone if you have one spare as the camera is most likely going to be better, there's  apps that you can use to connect it to your pc such as 

RE: Anyone got recommendations for webcams budget of about ~-.

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 , then you can spend $50-$60  on lighting as it is much more important than a good camera, you can make a 40 dollar webcam look like a  semi professional camera with just good lighting.

lenovo 500 fhd lets you use facial login on windows. only $70