Anyone having issues Windows 10 after updating?
My windows 10 started to do the recent update, but since then my PC has been running really slow. I tried running (sfc /scannow) but it said it was corrupted, I then tried to run (dism) which didn't work. After that I tried doing a repair install from an ISO which was taking around 5 hours, then it got stuck so I had to turn off my pc. Since then my computers been a mess, it takes ages to turn off and do things. I tried to unsintall the updates but it doesn't work. I'm thinking about just backing up my files and doing a clean install.

Did anyone else have issues like this?

I had some issues but i just reverted back to an older update and didn't try to update anymore because fuck it

I managed to fix my issue, it required a lot of restarts, but eventually my PC updated. I was able to scan and no corrupt files were found, then I did a bunch of malware scans to make sure.

Windows itself is a problematic platform.

Agreed with post above, I get the need for constant updates, but forced updates suck especially when they force a time when you hold it off for too long.