Anyone know the reason people support/love Trump?
I seriously can't understand how so many people praise him as if he was god himself..

I'm sure we all wish to know. I suppose people are attracted to radicalism.

The American people specifically the White working class, has not had a candidate who has looked after their interests in a very long time, which includes stronger border protection, the protection of their jobs, a president that doesn't solve every problem with another failed invasion of a Middle Eastern country, and of course one that demands that they serve the nation, but also be the scapegoats incase anything goes wrong.

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It also has to do with the working class's way of life. Traditional factory and manufacturing jobs are being automated and outsourced, and blue collar workers are frustrated that they can't maintain their expected standard of living. So along comes someone who tells them it's not their fault, it's China and immigrants and liberals.

Plain and simple, I think it's because people don't like politicians and he really wasn't one. Proof is in the pudding just look at congress' approval ratings right now, yikes.

Physically and mentally none at all

It's bipartisanship. One side promotes change and the other does not like the change. Trump wants to maintain America's status quo, which means maintaining some outdated values that some people hold very dear (such as traditional family structure and family roles being the paradigm).

because trump is a businessman and not a politician? i dont know but in my country people love someone like that