Apex - good time to start again?
I played Apex right when it came out but haven’t played any of the new characters. Is it a good time to join or has everyone just gotten too good to play against?

great time to join. guns are pretty balanced

I think its a good time to rejoin. The new champion is cool imo and the game is pretty balanced.

Apex is good fps game

Apex Legends is in a good spot atm in my opinion. Only bad thing is that Kings Canyon is the ranked map atm.

It's still massively popular on consoles. Definitely worth getting back into it; it's a quick hop in and play whenever you need type of game

isn't apex dead?

Speaking of apex legends does anyone want to carry and teach me how to play? I am very inxperienced in battle royales I just don't know generally what I should be doing other than getting loot and trying to survive. Like most good battle royales players have a plan and know where they want to land or go. The tension of not seeing anyone for a while really makes me play worse I think because I get paranoid of if someone is nearby or out of my pov