Are Traps Gay?
Obviously, if it shows their dick, it is to a certain degree (in my opinion), but if it's a convincing lower half, not showing the chest area & with a decent outfit, is it gay?

[+] 1 user Likes trashhacc96024's post
Congrats you're a gay.

[+] 1 user Likes Fartmaniac's post
yup, the fact u trynna convince urself it isnt, proves that it's gay

Yep, traps are gay, nothin wrong with being gay tho

Yeah pretty gay

Yes, yes they are.

I believe it's gay, I don't feel no attraction towards trans woman, no matter how hot they are.

I mean, there's tons of hot chicks out there, if you're going out of your way to watch/date a trans woman, something is up with your sexuality.

Maybe it's a closet homosexual thing? You hide your attraction to men and penises by being interested in trans woman?

Traps are always gay. Period.

traps are gay. if u claim otherwise you are either delusional or in denial

no, traps are not gay. just like how you can be straight and like feminine penises

[+] 1 user Likes factcheckingwhore's post
nothing wrong being gay my friend

Gay af. That’s okay though. You do you

Tran on girl is straighter than guy on girl change my mind

I think the trap is gay. They have the attraction to men and also identify with most of the male anatomy.

not really since they are women, but liking dick is kinda gay tho

Its half gay half homo

Nothing wrong with liking dick ?

imma have to go with yes but nothing wrong with being gay

You like a trap when you know it's a trap? Geh boi

The ancient wisdom is pretty clear; if the balls don't touch...