Are eSports Real Sports?
While [b]esports have a lot of similarities to traditional sports[/b] like football, soccer, and basketball, it’s appearing to miss one thing: movement. Physical activity. When you see the top League of Legends competitors fighting to become the World champions, they’re sitting at a desk.

What do you think about this?
Id say its not a Sport btw!

Sure it can be, why not? Don't see why we have to gatekeep sports, if it's competitive and played professionally I say it is.

You can certainly make a living off them if you are good enough

When I think of sport I no longer thing purely athletics. If anything I just think of the skill required to play on the professional level of an entertainment game. Those are sports to me nowadays. So are esports real sports? Definitely. Especially with the amount of money they generate world-wide

I am also of the belief that "sports" per se refers to something that requires physical exertion amounting to more than just sedentary behaviour (e.g., sitting on a chair playing online games).

I would not put Esports players on the same pedestal as sports athletes (e.g., soccer/basketball) because I believe they should be distinct categories that share the same name.

It's a bit hard to explain but I wouldn't say they're real sports if we're specifically comparing an activity that requires physical capabilities and requirements that is more than just movement of hands (quick movement using mouse and keyboard)

I think  we first have to define what "sport" really is!

Sure they are. Chess is considered also a sport

i think it's clear that esports are not a "sport" in the sense that they generally aren't physically intense in the way that we traditionally associate with sports.

that said, professional esports "athletes" are still competing at the highest level in their category. it's hard for us to separate the idea of insane physical fitness with intense competition