Are super hero movies good?
I kind of want to hold off on expressing a long opinion of this, but I'd love to hear from people who think they're really good. I want to be clear that I mostly mean modern, box-office, generally-Marvel-but-not-necessarily. It's too much of a blanket statement, I get it, but I mean the Avenger movies, the X-men movies, etc. It's easy to pick examples that are terrible or that you personally didn't like, but given the enormous popularity boom of especially the MCU films, how good do you feel like they are? Do you look forward to them? Are you excited when new trailers and teasers come out?

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I have never read any comics, but I'm a fan of the movies

For me I find them enjoyable but I know I'm not going to see some Oscar winning story just some good action and effects

same as all movie genres, some good, some bad, some awful some masterpeices

i look forward to them but i am a massive geek haha

I love movies, but I don't read many comic books but I appreciate them. In regards to MCU, Antman Dr.Strange, Deadpool origin films were really solid films and were great fun and to an extent Iron Man which started it all is a strong contender. However, I thought many of the films after that were rather tedious and uninteresting, Captain America and Thor weren't well written, and personally I didn't like Guardians of the Galaxy either but that's a personal preference. Civil War was also poorly paced, ultimately most of the MCU universe is attempting to cater to two markets at once, which is people who already know the intellectual property so they don't want to patronize but then a majority of people will probably not have seen the dozen other MCU films or read any of the comic series to understand fully what's going on and the films have to address that issue. My issue is that that movies hinges on the audience knowing a lot of prior knowledge, which fundamentally makes what should be a standalone story rather terrible and inaccessible, especially if half of the movies are jokes about the character or prior plot points.

personal preference there are alot of good superhero movies (mainly on marvels side, dc movies be shit) but id say either mediums for superheros are better

theres a super hero show called "the boys" its pretty good and it's a "what if collateral damage" was an actual thing in super hero movies.