Are there any good free MMO's?
I dont have the same amount of time in my adult life to justify spending money on an mmo i will most likely not be able to use every day, anyone got any good suggestions?

Runescape is the only one I can think of.
I know FFXIV is free uptil the second expac, then its like 12 a month.

been wondering the same thing

EVE Online is free, WWII Online has a free-to-play option, Phantasy Star Online 2 is free-to-play.

Some of the older Malaysian MMOs are still pretty good, and usually free. Perfect World International and its sister game Forsaken World are both pretty good. Same company made the D&D MMO "Neverwinter" which is pretty good, has some great gameplay mechanics at least.

Warframe isn't really a traditional MMO, but it is definitely affordable and more pay 2 skip than pay 2 win

I have stopped playing MMOs hardcore, but every now and then I go back and spend a few hours in Elsword, Maplestory, Nostale and Realm of the Mad God, for nostalgia. They are fairly old, though, so their gameplay could or could have not aged well.