Are there still any great FPS games? (Besides both Doom games)
I feel like the past couple years there haven’t really been any great first person shooters out. To name a couple, COD had a comeback with MW but fell back down with Blops Cold War. Apex Legends came and went. 

Opinions? Ignoring the Doom games, what games came out recently that you thought were not just good FPS games, but great?

I recently got gold version or whatever of Borderlands 3 and I still believe BL is one of the best fps games out there. While I don't think playing BL out of the gate is a good idea because there's way too much lore now to just enjoy it, I never have any gripes over playing the games over again.

They really blend action and comedy together well along with customization. It's not as detailed customization as like saints row or cyberpunk since it's mostly preset stuff, it definitely gets my collector brain going trying to get all the skins and heads and whatnot. Not to mention you can tune your own play style with your character skills.

Fun, funny, colorful, and challenging in certain spots too

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Damn, can’t believe I forgot about Borderlands