Are traditional late-night talk shows dying?
I feel like late-night talk shows are slowly losing popularity, and with covid it is having an even larger impact on the structure of the shows. I've recently listened to a podcast and they talked about how the change is forcing the hosts to create the show from home, and in a very different environment without a traditional crowd. It'd definately be interesting to see how they stand by the end of this, and how the shows will change due to the virus. It seems like the shows are transitioning more to a typical "youtuber" style, and I honestly feel like this change is for the better. Lmk

But the situations remains whether they will learn from that or not.
If they go back to their usual this will suck.

Once covid is over with it’ll go back. Tbh just streaming everything or doing it “YouTube” style where people can just watch from home kills genuine experience

I think have always been this way for sometimes, talk shows get more revenue and audience online, they already are YouTubers with little live audience and a broadcast network, covid-19 only took the live audience and fake laugh's

People want everything on demand, so anything that can’t adapt to that will die if you ask me

Definitely dying, unless they get on the streaming band wagon..who has cable tv anymore??

I think also it's just getting stale.... You bring out the same old Hollywood actors, you play a game, and you make a couple of jokes. The decline of cable doesn't help either.

Even if they are dying, I wouldn't be sad about it. There were barely any talk shows that I even liked to begin with.