Are you getting proper sleep?
I spend at least 7 hours a day sleeping.

How many hours do you sleep?

I get 8-9 but my sleeping schedule is completely screwed up lmao, I’m going to bed around 4 and waking up super late

This pandemic and unemployment messes up my sleep schedule pretty badly. Lately been sleeping in the early morning, and wake up in the midday, hahaha

Covid has messed up my sleep schedule pretty badly

yeah working from home has messed up my sleep routine.

Getting anywhere from 6-8 hours on any given day.

i sleep 1 hour and inhale raw caffeine powder and take a midday power nap after taking a direct vein injection of red bull to wake up feeling a little refreshed

6-7 hours a day, but i'm not sure it's enough.

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I sleep at 6am and wake up at 1pm, so I'm getting a good 7 hours

4 hours if I am lucky. The site keeps me busy
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Depends. When I work out then I sleep 7-8h well.

I usually get 8-9 hours every night but my quality of sleep isn't that good. I've found that going on my phone in the dark before sleeping gives me headaches in the morning!

5-6 usually. Sucks but not much I can do, usually takes me about a hour or so to fall asleep after I get in bed and it's horrible

Yes - tend to get between 7 and 8 hours

Definitely not, sadly I do not get very good sleep.  Angry

around 7 but i would prefer more

7 hours and I tend to fall asleep watching netflix

its pretty bad for me aswell

shit no
i sleep everyday at about 8 or 9 A.M
and wake up 2 p.m for lunch
again get sleep for 2 or 3 hours and go on awake again till 8 tomorrow =(

a lot less than i wish i could