Are you guys going to get the vaccine?
Lots of mixed feelings about this from people. What will you guys be doing?

Ill get it as soon as it is offered to me, but that will be a while

Not sure Till I see more info bout the disease

I have diabetes type 2 so I am a danger group for the virus, so I am taking it as soon as I will get it offered. Which will probably be in a month or two.

I'll probably hold on from getting it until we know it's safe for sure.


Of course why not

I’m not very little time to see any long term effects.

Of course I will. I trust the scientists involved in making and testing it to know more than me or any social media armchair expert. People hem and haw about potential side effects of the vaccine but they should spend more time researching the potential side effects of COVID...I'll be taking the vaccine whenever they get around to releasing it to me (I'm not in a high risk group). By then millions of people will have already tried it anyway.

No, I'm not considered high risk. Not worth chancing the unknown long term side effects for me.

i'll wait until its been proven effective and then i'll definitely get it if possible

As soon as it is available to me, yes (which is not soon at all, as I'm not high risk).